“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world. It is the great engine of personal development. Through education, the daughter of a farmer can become a doctor, the son of a foreman in mining, or the son of a farmhand can become president of a nation.”
– Nelson Mandela

According to a recent international study (PIRLS), 78% of 4th grade students in South Africa cannot read. There is a lack of suitable material, qualified teachers and supportive homes. Many children are without supervision after school and have no opportunity to do their homework.
The main focus of our Homework Centre, which was founded in 2015, is to support primary school children in grades 1-7. By buying the same books they use at school and through contact with their teachers, we give them the opportunity to be successful in learning.
“Meanwhile we have some students who are already attending high school. They come every afternoon and study independently in their group. On two afternoons a week a teacher is available for them so that questions can be clarified and deficits can be made up. We also help them to buy school uniforms and school materials.”
“We believe that each of our children has the right to a good school education and thus the hope for a better future. This is why we offer our children a family environment of protection and learning, where they receive attention, appreciation and love. A positive learning atmosphere is important. This encourages the children to overcome failures at school, to build up self-confidence and to discover and develop their abilities.”

Since August 2020 there are new “Corona rules” for schools. The classes were halved and divided into 2 groups each (of about 30 children). So the children have school every 2nd week at the moment.
This is good for Clever Kids, because our children can stay longer, even though they only come every second week. The presence of the employees was adapted to the new conditions.
Through the soup kitchen, many parents and children got to know Clever Kids and the work, so that the waiting list for admission has grown many times over.
A long-term “space solution”, with which the prescribed safety distance can be maintained, is already causing us great headaches with the children who currently belong to the group.
It would be nice if larger, affordable rooms and financial support would make it possible to admit more children.