Donations in South Africa

First of all we would like to say Thank you for all your support.

Please indicate the project you would like to support. Donations not related to the project will be used by us where they are needed most urgently.

Your donation is tax deductible. If not otherwise requested, you will receive a deductible donation receipt at the beginning of the year from “Learn-Live-Support Masiphumelele” for all payments made in the previous year. In order for us to issue this correctly and send it to you, we ask you to provide your address details.

PBO No. 930080084

Donations in Germany

First of all we would like to say Thank you for all your support.

Please indicate the project you would like to support. Donations not related to the project will be used by us where they are needed most urgently.

Your donation is tax deductible. If not otherwise requested, you will receive a deductible donation receipt at the beginning of the year from “Lern- und Lebenshilfe Masiphumelele e.V.” for all payments made in the previous year. In order for us to issue this correctly and send it to you, we ask you to provide your address details.

Steuer-Nr. 332/5797/5946